
Binary questions

Everybody knows that computers use binary for numbers and arithmetic, but:


Computer scientists need to know something about binary, but:

How much?

Computers are good at binary arithmetic and translation to and from decimal, so why not leave them to it?


One reason computers use binary is economics

A few early computers used decimal, but it needed more circuitry, and more time, than using binary

Binary is just simpler, for a computer


A second reason for using binary is that a binary number is made up of bits

The bit is the fundamental unit of information, and it makes sense to store all kinds of data in the same way

Computers use bit patterns to represent everything: instructions, numbers, characters, pixels, ...

The word "binary" means "to do with bits", whether numerical or not (e.g. binary file = non-text file)

How does the computer know?

A common question, when people look at computer architecture for the first time, is "how does the computer know whether a memory location holds an instruction, number, character or pixel?" It doesn't

If the current operation is "execute", the bits are treated as an instruction; if "add", as a number, if "print", as a character, if "display", as a pixel

So, the knowledge of what each lump of memory represents is embedded implicitly in the program's instructions

Bit manipulation

Computer scientists need to know about binary, because bit manipulation is needed by programmers in:

Need to know

What do you need to know about binary:

And bit manipulation:

Decimal Counting

With a decimal 4-digit counter, the rightmost digit rolls round, and there may be carries:


Each position has 10 possible digits, so the counter can display 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10000 different numbers, from 0000 to 9999

To avoid overflow (wrap-around) mistakes, you need to avoid counting up from 9999 or down from 0000

Binary Counting

With a binary 4-bit counter, the rightmost digit rolls round, and there may be carries:


Each position has 2 possible digits, so the counter can display 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 different numbers, from 0000 to 11112 (0..15)

To avoid overflow (wrap-around) mistakes, you need to avoid counting up from 11112 or down from 0000


A byte is like a binary counter with 8 digit positions

So it has 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 28 = 256 different possibilities

They run from 00000000 to 111111112 = 255

Decimal negatives

Having a minus sign in front is not natural for mechanical counters or computers - instead, half the possibilites are reserved as negative



By counting down from 0, we can see that 9999 represents -1: first digits 5..9 indicate negative numbers, using the same counter

Working it out

How do you work out what 7385 means?

You subtract from 0000, and forget everything except the four right most digits, to get -2615

What range of numbers does the counter cover?

From 5000 = -5000 to 4999

To avoid overflow, avoid counting down from 5000 or up from 4999

This is called ten's complement arithmetic

Binary negatives

Half the possibilities are reserved as negative



By counting down from 0, we can see that 11112 represents -1: first digit 1 indicates a negative number, and the arithmetic circuitry in the processor is (almost) identical

Working it out

How do you work out what 11012 means?

You subtract from 0000, and forget everything except the four right most digits, to get -00112 = -3

What range of numbers does the counter cover?

From 10002 = -10002 = -8 to 01112 = 7

For bytes, the range is 100000002 = -27 = -128 up to 011111112 = 27-1 = 127

This is called two's complement arithmetic

How does the computer know?

When a number is stored in a byte, how does the computer know whether it unsigned (0..255) or signed (-128..127)? It doesn't

You tell the computer to do unsigned/signed arithmetic or to print out the number unsigned/signed or whatever

The knowledge resides in the instructions


Computers also use two-byte integers, giving an unsigned range 0..65535 or signed range -32768..32767

Computers also use four-byte integers, giving an unsigned range 0..4294967295, i.e. about 4 billion, or signed range -2147483648..2147483647

Computers also use eight-byte integers, giving 0..264-1, i.e. about 18 quintillion, or -263..263-1


It has never been clear whether multi-byte integers should be stored big-endian or little-endian - the choice is sometimes called the sex of the computer, (though nobody knows which is which, and some are bi)

Decimal numbers in English are written big-endian, but (a) simple arithmetic is done right to left (b) in a calculator, typed digits emerge from the right and (c) there is a story that we stole the notation from documents in a right-to-left Arabic languages, without realising we should have reversed it

Does it matter?

When does it matter whether a computer is big- or little-endian? Answer: rarely


Hex, short for hexadecimal, is base 16. It is used as a shorthand for binary (1 hex digit = 4 bits)

int n = 0x3C0;  // 0011 1100 0000

Beware: 0377 in C means octal, now obsolete

Hex is used when emphasizing bit patterns, but is often used inappropriately, e.g. character 0x3C0 instead of 960 for π or colour 0x00FF00 instead of (0%,100%,0%) for green

Example: hex printing

To print an int in hex, in order to check its bit pattern:

printf("%08x\n", n);

%x means print in hex

%8x means 8 columns

%08x means leading zeros, not spaces

For 1, 2, 4, 8 byte integers, use %02x, %04x, %08x, %016lx (add letter l for long arguments)

C integer types

Integer variables in C have roughly types:

Advice: use unsigned char

If you are manipulating bytes, you could just use the char type

But you don't know whether it is signed or unsigned (the standard says it depends on the computer)

And if it is signed, char c = 0x80 may give a compiler warning because hex constants are unsigned

So I recommend defining a byte type:

typedef unsigned char byte;


Technically, C types are represented in "the most convenient way on the current computer" - in practice:

char is sometimes unsigned - use signed char or unsigned char for bytes

short is almost always two bytes

int is almost always four bytes (past 2, future 8)

long is usually eight bytes, but is four bytes on 32-bit systems and native 64-bit Windows (so use Cygwin)


Sometimes "the most convenient representation" is right

But for truly portable software, it isn't, so for example, the stdint.h header provides types ending with _t:

And, e.g, stdlib.h provides size_t meaning "best type to hold sizes, up to the memory limit"

The headers vary, so your programs don't have to!


When different types are combined, there are subtle rules of conversion, called coercion, that are applied implicitly by the C compiler

Conversion to a bigger type includes sign extension, e.g. if a negative short is copied into an int, the top 16 bits are set to 1 so that it represents exactly the same number:

short s = -42;
int n = s;
if (n == -42) printf("ok\n");


In an assignment x = ..., if the type of the right hand side is bigger than the variable can hold, the extra bits are thrown away.

However, depending on the compiler, if the right hand side is a constant, and strict options are used, there may be a warning if the value changes:

short s = 65535;

The number 65535 consists of 16 digits, so it fits in a short variable. But the value becomes negative.


This can be fixed if you know what you are doing by explicitly casting a value of one type to another:

short s = (short) 65535;

You can also specify the type of constants:

long n = 4L * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L;

Without the L, the right hand side would be an int which wouldn't hold the result accurately.

Casts indicate that some dirty trick is being used, so they should be very rare!

Integer promotion

You also need to be aware of integer promotion.

In integer expressions, all variables, constants and intermediate values are 'promoted'.

That means they are expanded to int (or possibly uint, long or ulong). This matches what processors typically do, when they hold integer values in registers.

Bit operators

The bit operators in C are:

&         bitwise and
|         bitwise or
^         bitwise xor
~         bitwise not
<<        shift left
>>        shift right

C uses the pow function, not ^, for powers

The ~ operator changes all the bits


The & operator is most often used for masking

That means isolating just some of the bits from a pattern

Suppose n holds 111010112 and we want to split this into two blocks of four bits each

The hex constant 0x0F represents the rightmost four bits, and n & 0x0F gives 10112

The hex constant 0xF0 represents the other four bits, and n & 0xF0 gives 111000002

Example: testing odd

To test whether an integer is odd:

if ((n & 0x1) == 0x1) ...;

You could write (n & 1) == 1, but it is usually more readable to use hex constants during bit manipulation, to emphasise the bit patterns

Advice: use lots of brackets round bit operations, because the precedences of the bit operators are "wrong" (like ||, && instead of +, *)

Shifting right

The >> operator shifts a number to the right by a given number of bits.

If n holds bit pattern 101102 or 101112, then
n >> 1 gives 10112.

That means n >> 1 divides n by 2 (discarding any remainder), n >> 2 divides n by 4, and so on.

Use n / 2 when doing arithmetic, n >> 1 when manipulating bits, and trust the compiler to choose the best instruction.

Shift right ambiguity

When >> is used to shift a negative number to the right, what happens?

If a number is signed, does the >> do sign extension to preserve the sign?

The C standard doesn't require a processor to have an instruction which does that, so the result is undefined.

So, >> should only be used on unsigned numbers.

Shifting left

The << operator shifts a number to the left by a given number of bits.

If n holds bit pattern 10112, then n << 1 gives 101102.

That means n << 1 multiplies n by 2, n << 2 multiplies n by 4, and so on (except for overflow).

Use n * 2 when doing arithmetic, n << 1 when manipulating bits, and trust the compiler to choose the best instruction.

Shift left ambiguity

When << is used to shift a negative number to the left, what happens?

There is no ambiguity about what the resulting bit pattern should be, on the vast majority of processors anyway, but a number could switch from unsigned to signed or vice versa.

This counts as another undefined situation, which the sanitize option will give an error or warning for.

So, << should only be used on unsigned numbers.


Suppose that compression is needed in a file, or a network packet, or a program with lots of data

Then you might want to pack several pieces of data into one variable

For example, in graphics, a colour is often three numbers, each 0..255, for red, green and blue components (ignoring opacity) packed into one integer

Example: Colour packing

Let's write a function using the | (or) operator and shifts to pack the three component numbers into one integer

// Pack three components, each 0..255, into a colour
int pack(int r, int g, int b) {
    unsigned int ur = r, ug = g, ub = b;
    return (ur << 16) | (ug << 8) | ub;

Programmers often write x+y instead of x|y, which is the same if there no common bits, but it is more readable to use | when manipulating bits

Example: Colour packing

unsigned int ur = r, ug = g, ub = b;

Unsigned copies of the arguments need to be made, so that it is unsigned integers that are shifted

It would be a mistake to define these as unsigned char, because then they would get promoted to int before being shifted

Even if the arguments r, g, b were declared as unsigned char, they would need to be copied into unsigned int variables


To unpack some numbers that have been packed, you can use shifting and masking:

// Unpack the three components from a colour
void unpack(int c, int rgb[3]) {
    unsigned int uc = c;
    rgb[0] = (uc >> 16) & 0xFF;
    rgb[1] = (uc >> 8) & 0xFF;
    rgb[2] = uc & 0xFF;

You can mask and then shift, but then the masks are longer

Signed pieces

Sometimes, the pieces to be packed and unpacked are signed and can be negative

Suppose one int is to be used to hold (x,y) coordinates, where each coordinate is a signed 16 bit number (range -32768..32767)

Example: packing coordinates

Here is a function to pack two coordinates:

// Pack two signed 16-bit coordinates
int pack(int x, int y) {
    unsigned int ux = x, uy = y;
    int p = ((ux & 0xFFFF) << 16) | (uy & 0xFFFF);
    return p;

If an int is guaranteed to be 32 bits, then the first mask is unnecessary (shifting discards bits that don't fit)

The resulting position variable may be negative (if x is negative)

Hex constants

int p = ((ux & 0xFFFF) << 16) | (uy & 0xFFFF);

A hex constant 0xFFFF is always positive

It is normally promoted to int, so it becomes signed

But here, it is promoted to unsigned int to match the other integers

Sign extension

Unpacking is more difficult, because the leading 1 bits in a negative number have to be recovered explicitly

There are several ways to do this:

The last one is the best

Example: unpacking coords

Here is a function to unpack two coordinates:

// Unpack two signed 16-bit coordinates
void unpack(int p, int xy[2]) {
    unsigned int up = p;
    int x = (up >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
    if ((x & 0x8000) != 0) x = (~0U << 16) | x;
    xy[0] = x;
    int y = up & 0xFFFF;
    if ((y & 0x8000) != 0) y = (~0U << 16) | y;
    xy[1] = y;


A summary of general tips is: